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Forest Sunrays

$SPE Token Breakdown

SavePlanetEarth Token ($SPE) is our cryptocurrency built on the Ethereum blockchain. This page provides key insights into its supply, utility, and essential metrics, giving you a complete overview of our operations related to crypto.

Contract address: 0x4b91dfa774acde7ed70e93a6438363feaaa40f54

Current Price
of $SPE


Current $SPE
Market Cap


$SPE Tokens in Circulation


Transparency Dashboard

We believe that confidence is key for our investors. That's why we are monitoring and displaying key movements in real-time from wallets of interest, 24/7.

$SPE Max Supply


$SPE Burned

412,646,629 (41.26%)

0 (0.00%) past 7 days

$SPE in the Liquidity Pool

134,561,923.36 (13.46%)

-269,310.59 (-0.20%) past 7 days

$SPE Held in Team Wallets

202,094,314.84 (20.21%)

0 (0.00%) past 7 days

$SPE Held in Private Wallets

243,382,952.66 (24.34%)

+562,211.97 (+0.23%) past 7 days

$SPE in Centralized Exchanges

7,314,180.14 (0.73%)

-292,901.38 (-3.85%) past 7 days

Introducing our LECCNFT


Purchasing an LECCNFT grants you access to...

Dividends from PCS Trading

Dividends from PCS Profits

Dividends from SPE Services Profits

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